what we make it
This event is free but please help us know how many chairs to put out and how much food to put on by booking a ticket here. If you're in a position to do so, please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of putting this together, helping out others with travel, or offering something to performers and others who made this happen.
As with last time in August: it’ll be what we make it. This is an old-school ceilidh sort of happening (bring instruments for round the fire!). Don’t expect slick programming or well crafted performances! We’re inviting folk - particularly those who were there at the time or connected in some way - to pitch in with memories, stories, reflections, along with poems and songs. This is part reunion, part public event and we’re never quite sure how that will work out although it seemed to go well last time.
Anyway, here’s a run down on what to expect, with a dose of unexpected - there may well be last minute changes.
We’re going to be at Govan Free State (at 15 Fairley Street) this time. Not least because the weather is more unpredictable than it was 30 years ago! (Although mind that blistering summer and the frostbite in -5!)
If you’re an old Free Stater and some help with travel and somewhere to stay would help please send us a message gehanmacleod@proton.me
or dannyalderslowe@googlemail.com
A zine for Pollok Free State? A call out to Free Staters - whether you lived nearby, stayed at the camp or passed through. We're looking to gather up some stories with the potential (if we can muster the capacity) of pulling them together along with highlights from the archives in some form of zine or wee book.
If this is you - please head over here for some more info.
If you are coming on 15th, it could be helpful to give this some thought ahead of time. Perhaps bring them with you. If you can’t come on 15th, or don’t feel comfortable chipping in memories in front of strangers - this is your way to contribute!
4pm - Declare Yourself Welcome hang out and catch up, fireside jams, tales and memories, archives, mini zines and story fragments. BYO T-shirt Printing**, babs & Annabel with their new book What Starts Here Stops Here & more
4.20pm Discussion: Protest Then & Now drawing comparisons between mid-90s protest, the advent of the first Criminal Justice Bill and protest and policing now. Reflecting on climate emergency 30 years on.
5.30pm Offerings in Word and Song Tawona, Lainey Dempsey, Tam McGarvey, Keith Robertson and more…
6pm - food and potluck*
6.40pm - Gather Round the Embers: sharing stories of the Valentine’s Day Massacre, surviving and radical love
7.15pm More Offerings: Tartan Heather, Alasdair Roberts and Doctur Normul
8.00pm Endless Evolution: Hip Hop Half Hour with Darren McGarvey, Govan Docks Collective, CCTV (@jaylee_cctv & @jamharvie) and more
8.30pm Rosie Kane McGarvey : stand up to nukes
9.00pm Junkman’s Choir
9.25pm Doug No Pain of Mungo’s Hifi
10pm or thereabouts we wind up by Declaring Our Independence, Interdependence & Radical Dependence on love (in the face of hate and despair)
* if you have the time or inclination, we’d love you to bring a dish to share - please take a note of any allergens
** bring things to print like bags, t-shirts etc!
govan free state can be found at 15 Fairley Street